arises from the need to increase the level of social inclusion of disabled people in Europe
The Project
This project is being ran as the small scale partnership under the Erasmus+ sport programe.
The project officially began on the 1st of February it will last 18 months!
Specific objectives of SID are:
  • Sensitising disabled children on the inclusive value of sports
  • Increasing the number of disabled people integrated into the society of the partner countries through sport
  • Increasing the number of sporting activities for the free time of children with disabilities.
SID Team
  • Greece
    “Association for Education and Development of Disabled People” (Greece) is the coordinator
    of the project. This association wants to give the possibility to its members to be involved in
    many sectors; it organizes courses in collaboration with other institutions, such as courses of
    computers, accountancy, language etc.
  • Bulgaria
    The sport club “SHARK” (Bulgaria) is a newcomer in the Erasmus Plus Program. It has the mission to create conditions for adapted sports and to provide specialized equipment for practicing. The movement is at the core of a fulfilled life and every child should have the opportunity to choose what and where to play sports.
  • Serbia
    was born in 2009 and it is officially registered in the Register of Associations social and political organizations. It works in the areas of: youth participation, youth policy, volunteerism, human rights, violence prevention, gender equality, democracy
    and civil society.
Теам Meetings
Here you will find the latest information about the project meetings
Information about project workshops
1st theoretical workshop:
"Benefits of sport for the mind and psyche"
Place: Vocational center Protagoras
Date: 16/03/2023
2st theoretical workshop:
"Socio-relational benefits of sport"
Place: Vocational center Protagoras
Date: 22/03/2023
3rd theoretical workshop:
"Special Olympics" games
Place: Vocational High school
Date: 11/04/2023
4rd theoretical workshop:
"Rights of people with disabilities"
Place: Vocational High school
Date: 10/05/2023
1st practical workshop:
"Basketball on wheelchair"
Place: Kavala’s Sport Center
Date: 06/04/2023
2nd practical workshop:
"Sport for all"
Place: Kavala’s Sport Center
Date: 03/05/2023
3th practical workshop:
"Inclusive games"
Place: Kavala
Date: 05/05/2023
4th practical workshop:
"Weight-lifting for disabled"
Place: Kavala’s Sport Center
Date: 16/05/2023
Questionnaires that we will make through google forms!

In Progress...
Contact us:

/ ERASMUS-LS / 101086213

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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