The project "Sport, inclusion, diversity" - "SID" aims to improve the level of integration of disabled young people in the countries of origin of the partner organizations of this project and in Europe in general, using sport as a tool of integration. The partnership of this project is made up of "Association for the education and development of disabled people" from Kavala (Greece), of "Sdruzhenie Sports club Shark" from Sofia (Bulgaria) and of "NGO Iuventa" from Sabac (Serbia), All project partners comes from countries with a very high risk of exclusion of disabled people, as shown by the latest Eurobarometer data. "SID" foresees the realization of two cycles of theoretical and practical workshops, for young people aged 16 to 30. The project, in addition to involving young people with disabilities, also involves able-bodied people because the main objective is to encourage a process of inclusion of disabled people through sport, based on the comparison between disabled and able-bodied people.
SID Online Survey
Survey will take around 5 minutes of your time. Thank you!
I declare that I voluntarily agree to participate in this project
and that I am aware of its objectives and procedures.
Your nationality:
Do you/ your child (youngster) have disability?
If YES, what kind of disability?
Do you/ your child (youngster) practice any sport?
If yes, how many times per week?
Do you/ your child (youngster) need any assistance during sport activities?
What kind of sport do you/ your child (youngster) practice?
Do you/ your child (youngster) motivated to participate in competitions?
Do you/ your child (youngster) able to follow rules during sport activities?
Do you believe that the sport activities plays a significant role in your community?
How optimistic are you about the future development of the adapted sports?
1 (non optimistic) 5 (very optimistic)
Do you/ your child (youngster) have variety of adapted sports opportunities?
Would you/ your child (youngster) like to participate in more sportactivities in future?
In what kind of activities you/ your child (youngster) would like to participate in the future?
Does your national sport club/ organization provides enough year-round sport opportunities/ activities?
Do you believe that sport could help for socializing and inclusion?
Thank you!
Thank you for your answers, we will provide you with final report and summary of the survey results using email you in the survey.
If you wish to approach us, please do:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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